Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Cafe Impropriety According To Frasier Crane

Let's see now: spell im·pro·pri·e·ty

Dictionary definition:  a failure to observe standards or show due honesty or modesty; improper language, behavior, or character.


And the synonym: wrongdoing, misconduct, dishonesty, corruption, unscrupulousness, unprofessionalism, irregularity.

That should be a sufficient explanation of the meaning of the word Impropriety.

Accepted; most of us urban dwellers have to stand in queues and hustle and bustle to get the nearest seated or standing table available. But should there be a prevailing decorum in our manners and courtesy to other customers when several eyes all at once spy the only available seat left in a crowded cafe?

We shall leave that moot point on social etiquette to Dr. Frasier Crane


Frasier Crane bewailing a decidedly uncivil customer and the complete lack of  mores of his time!

Pass the coffee please!

Regards all ...

Pieter Bergli

For those of my readers that have an eye for the fine arts then kindly grab a cup of decent coffee and turn to: 

and of course for lovers of art


and for readings in history there is my writings on the histories of the Napoleonic campaigns at


Thank you.