Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Cafe Corner - Myself Must I Remake!

Dear Readers, 

Easter is upon us; a time of reflection over life and death and rebirth. What crumbles, what falls, must surely renew itself. The universe dictates the necessity for life and death and rebirth in endless song. Give me but an acre of grass and the world could flourish once more. Cast upon the stage, man has the power to take nature into his own hands and determine a new shape with the sheer power of his own will. Looking around us one cannot but feel aghast; our precious little blue world has been torn and shred, raped and stricken through the greed for it's wealth. But yet there is hope; there is a chance that  we may yet slow and cease the plunder and let the world have time to heal. According to Greenfacts -  most of the damage has already been done and largely due to our own recognition of our deeds we have learnt to change our ways and reshape the environment to protect it for the future. Thus at cafe corner, let us reflect this Easter upon the concept of rebirth as summed up in the poetry of William Butler Yeats when he proclaimed to the world - "myself must I remake!" enjoy your cafe moments dear readers and ponder over the poet's immortal words:

PICTURE and book remain,
An acre of green grass
For air and exercise,
Now strength of body goes;
Midnight, an old house
Where nothing stirs but a mouse.

My temptation is quiet.
Here at life's end
Neither loose imagination,
Nor the mill of the mind
Consuming its rag and bonc,
Can make the truth known.

Grant me an old man's frenzy,
Myself must I remake
Till I am Timon and Lear
Or that William Blake
Who beat upon the wall
Till Truth obeyed his call;

A mind Michael Angelo knew
That can pierce the clouds,
Or inspired by frenzy
Shake the dead in their shrouds;
Forgotten else by mankind,
An old man's eagle mind.

William Butler Yeats

An Acre of Grass - Last Poems (1936-1939)

Pieter Bergli - Cafe enthusiast, bon vivant!

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